Shaping young, impressionable minds is one of life’s biggest challenges. We aim to empower our students to grow as individuals with strong open discerning minds with an international perspective, preparing them to make a mark in the global village – the world has come to be today.

The teachers approach the classroom as one does a temple. Teacher-student relationships take time to develop and deepen and need a climate of love and trust. There must also be continuity between teachers and students both within the classroom and in the wider school environment.

We strive to provide an environment that is basically sacred, and has a framework of discipline that is flexible yet supportive, a freedom that allows students to learn even from their mistakes, to develop into person moulded by the correlatives of freedom and responsibility.

Children are encouraged and taught how to think and not what to think. Teamwork is the hallmark of our school, committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create a child-centric school. It is natural to find in this ambience, the intensive use of a variety of thinking activities, strategies and group dynamics so that the classrooms become alive. In such a surrounding when work and effort is valued, the child’s self-esteem is heightened, and from this results self-motivation.

